Bold Overview
Bold company is a dynamic and innovative agency based in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. Founded in 2007, we have established ourselves as leaders in the fields of branding, content marketing, d... Read More
84 services offered by BoldReviews
9 reviews for Bold"Hemos trabajado con Bold un proyecto de rebranding completo: desde la estrategia de la marca, pasando por su identidad textual y visual, y acabando en la nueva web corporativa con motor de reservas. El trato recibido, las condiciones de trabajo, las reuniones con el equipo implicado han sido muy constructivas y asi los resultados obtenidos. Estamos muy satisfechos con la decisión tomada cuando decidimos trabajar con ellos con partner creativo estratégico " Alex Ros ( Managing Director ) undefined
¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración? Crear una imagen corporativa ¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración? el proceso creativo con todo el equipo Bold ¿Hay algo en lo que podríamos mejorar? Seguid igual! undefined
Improve our branding and of course, sells Working with Bold is easy. They are very attentive and professionals
Rediseño de nuestra antigua web para darle un nuevo carácter. Lo que más he disfrutado ha sido abriendo con asombro las propuestas que nos enviaban.
Crear la identidad verbal y visual de una marca y darle un buen posisiconamiento El equipo humano. Son muy profesionales, metódicos y además es muy divertido trabajar con ellos, desprenden muy buen rollo. Entienden perfectamente lo que necesitas, saben escucharte y la clavan con todo lo que te proponen! Cada reunión con ellos es inspiradora a la vez que pedagógica, explican tan bien el trabajo que hacen, cómo lo hacen para que entiendas bien todos los procesos, que sales de la reunión como si salieras de una masterclass!
Llevo muchos años trabajando con BOLD (desde su inicio) y estoy convencido de que parte de nuestro éxito se debe al diseño tan acertado del packing del producto. Es un placer trabajar con ellos! undefined
Disseny i tractament de continguts, totalment alineats i d'acord amb el que es requereix en cada moment. Terminis de lliurament i treball impecables i tracte proper, assertiu i amable. Implicació en cadascuna de les fases que demana el projecte. undefined
Cualquier halago que pueda hacer a la Agencia Bold sería injusto. Nos hicieron la imagen y asesoramiento estratégico para la campaña ZOOXXI, que menciono como gran exponente de su los encargos que les venimos contratando desde hace años, y la experiencia ha sido siempre superadora a cualquier expectativa previa. Algo difícil de encontrar en una agencia, es que el buen gusto estético se pongan al servicio de la estrategia y no al revés; Bold consigue eso con exquisitez. undefined
Llevo años contratando los servicios de Bold, para diferentes marcas y proyectos, y la experiencia siempre ha sido inmejorable. Hoy en día, cuesta encontrar un equipo que responda con tanta profesionalidad, creatividad y honestidad a las necesidades de sus clientes. undefined
10 projects performed by Bold
Badi Homes is a project aimed at revolutionizing the way people find housing by providing a platform for shared living arrangements. Users can find roommates, list their properties for rent, and connect with like-minded individuals for a harmonious living experience.

Wiserentr is a revolutionary project aimed at transforming the way companies manage their recruitment processes. With a focus on leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, Wiserentr offers a comprehensive platform that streamlines the entire recruitment cycle.

Reel de proyectos is a platform designed to showcase and promote various creative projects and initiatives. It serves as a hub for artists, entrepreneurs, and creators to connect with a wider audience and gain visibility for their work.

Simorra is a project focused on providing educational resources and support for underprivileged communities in developing countries. Through partnerships with local organizations and schools, we aim to improve access to quality education for children and youth in these areas.

Mom Koumba is a project aimed at supporting young mothers in underprivileged communities by providing them with resources and education to improve their quality of life. The project focuses on empowering these mothers through skills training, financial literacy, and access to healthcare services.

Modul dance is a project aimed at promoting innovative and experimental dance practices across Europe through a network of dance residencies and collaborations.

Branding Empatif is a project focused on helping businesses build a strong and authentic brand identity through empathy and emotional connection with their target audience.

The San Miguel Yakima Valley project is a unique initiative aiming to address the challenges faced by migrant farmworkers in the Yakima Valley region. Through a holistic approach, the project seeks to improve the living and working conditions of these workers, as well as provide them with access to essential services.

BOONS is a project aimed at helping businesses enhance their online presence through effective copywriting and strategic social media management. By combining these two key services, BOONS is able to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to boost their digital marketing efforts.

12 meses FAADA is a project aimed at raising awareness and funds for the animal rights organization FAADA (Foundation for the Adoption, Sponsorship and Defense of Animals). The project consists of a year-long campaign with monthly events and activities to engage the community in supporting the cause.

by Bold
Wiserentr is a revolutionary project aimed at transforming the way companies manage their recruitment processes. With a focus on leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, Wiserentr offers a comprehensive platform that streamlines the entire recruitment cycle.
Our platform enables companies to efficiently source, screen, and hire top talent, while also providing valuable insights and analytics to optimize their recruitment strategies. By automating repetitive tasks and providing advanced analytics, Wiserentr empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions and build high-performing teams.
Wiserentr is designed to revolutionize the recruitment industry by enhancing efficiency, reducing bias, and improving the overall candidate experience. With Wiserentr, companies can save time and resources while finding the best candidates to drive their business forward.
The traditional recruitment process is often time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to biases. Companies struggle to sift through a large pool of applicants, leading to delays in hiring and potentially missing out on top talent. Additionally, manual processes can result in inconsistent candidate evaluation and decision-making.
Employers face challenges in identifying the right candidates for their roles, as well as in ensuring a positive candidate experience throughout the recruitment process. The lack of data-driven insights and analytics hinders organizations from optimizing their recruitment strategies and improving their overall hiring outcomes.
There is a growing need for a modern solution that addresses the limitations of traditional recruitment methods and provides companies with the tools and technology to effectively and efficiently manage their talent acquisition processes.
Wiserentr offers a cutting-edge solution to the challenges faced by organizations in their recruitment processes. By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, our platform automates tasks such as resume screening, candidate matching, and interview scheduling, saving time and resources for companies.
Our advanced algorithms ensure fair and unbiased candidate evaluation, allowing companies to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Wiserentr provides real-time analytics and reporting to help organizations track their recruitment performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their hiring strategies.
With Wiserentr, companies can streamline their recruitment processes, enhance candidate experience, and make smarter hiring decisions to build strong, diverse, and high-performing teams that drive business success.
By implementing Wiserentr, companies can significantly reduce time-to-hire, improve quality of hires, and increase overall recruitment efficiency. Our platform enables organizations to attract top talent, enhance candidate engagement, and create a positive employer brand in the competitive job market.
Wiserentr's data-driven approach helps companies make better recruitment decisions, leading to higher retention rates, improved employee performance, and a stronger organizational culture. By leveraging AI and machine learning technologies, Wiserentr is poised to revolutionize the recruitment industry and drive positive outcomes for businesses of all sizes.
With Wiserentr, organizations can transform their recruitment processes, elevate their talent acquisition strategies, and achieve sustainable growth by building diverse, inclusive, and high-performing teams that drive innovation and success.