C2B Overview
Welcome to our C2B company, a leading provider of advertising, content marketing, design, photography, web analytics, and web design services based in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Since... Read More
62 services offered by C2BReviews
5 reviews for C2BCreatief, eager en enthousiast. De Makers van HEKS'NKAAS® werken graag samen met bureaus die daarnaast ook het 'tikje magie' weten toe te voegen. Laat dat maar aan C2B over! undefined
Bazenbedrijf en bovendien een hele fijne partij om mee samen te werken. undefined
Opzetten en uitvoeren van een strategie voor het op de markt zetten van een Electrische scooter. Contact loopt heel soepel en wordt goed meegedacht.
Content Strategy interne communicatie kanaal. C2B is een zeer bekwaam bureau met grote expertise in social media. Het is altijd prettig samenwerken met hun. Ze leven hun High Five approach echt na. Creatief, nauwkeurig, flexibel en enthousiast team.
Na onze kennismaking een aantal jaren geleden inmiddels al vele campagnes vanuit regie PostNL met dit bureau doorlopen. De aanvullende kracht op onze interne kennis van C2B zit met name in de creatieve media aanpak. Met welke boodschap en mediastrategie krijgen we de beoogde doelgroep(en) in beweging? Hierin is C2B telkens van toegevoegde waarde gebleken in onze campagnes voor omroepen, financiële instellingen, uitgevers en Retail. undefined
10 projects performed by C2B
New York Pizza: Pizza Maffia is a project aimed at revolutionizing the pizza industry in New York City. Our goal is to provide authentic, high-quality New York-style pizza to customers while also giving back to the community.

Multicopy, Komt goed! is a project that focuses on providing marketing and online advertising services to businesses looking to expand their reach and increase their brand awareness.

Rijksmuseum: Social Media Management is a project aimed at enhancing the online presence and engagement of the Rijksmuseum, a renowned museum in Amsterdam, through effective social media strategies.

Zuivelhoeve: Social Media Management is a project aimed at helping the Zuivelhoeve brand effectively manage their social media presence.

Kanzi: Twistappels podcast is a unique marketing project that focuses on promoting the benefits of twistappels, a popular snack made from apples. Through engaging and informative podcast episodes, listeners are introduced to the twistappels brand and its various flavors and health benefits.

Beemster: 1 april, graskaas met échte stukjes gras is a unique project that celebrates April Fool's Day with a twist on traditional cheese making. This limited edition cheese features real pieces of grass, giving it a fresh and playful flavor.

PFZW: ZorgisZó is a project focused on highlighting the importance of healthcare workers and their dedication to providing quality care. The project aims to showcase the challenges faced by healthcare professionals and the impact of their work on patients and society.

Casillero del Diablo: Social Media Management is a project focused on curating and managing the social media presence of the renowned Casillero del Diablo wine brand. Through strategic planning and content creation, we aim to engage with the target audience and build brand awareness across various social platforms.

New York Pizza: Ruimtereis is a project centered around promoting a fictional pizza brand through an exciting space-themed advertising campaign. The project aims to capture the attention of pizza lovers with a unique and creative approach to marketing.

PGGM & CO: Fitte Top 100 is a project aimed at promoting health and fitness by recognizing the top 100 individuals who have made significant strides in their fitness journey. The project highlights the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and encourages others to follow suit.

New York Pizza: Ruimtereis
by C2B
New York Pizza: Ruimtereis is a project centered around promoting a fictional pizza brand through an exciting space-themed advertising campaign. The project aims to capture the attention of pizza lovers with a unique and creative approach to marketing.
The challenge of this project lies in creating a visually compelling and engaging advertisement that stands out in a crowded market. Additionally, the team must effectively convey the concept of a space-themed pizza journey to the audience.
To address these challenges, our team will utilize high-quality video production techniques to bring the New York Pizza: Ruimtereis concept to life. By combining captivating visuals with a strong narrative, we will create a memorable advertising campaign that resonates with viewers.
The impact of this project is expected to be twofold - increasing brand awareness for the fictional pizza brand and showcasing our team's creativity and production skills. By producing a successful advertising campaign, we aim to leave a lasting impression on our audience and generate interest in the New York Pizza: Ruimtereis brand.