keeen GmbH - Marketing Technology Overview
Keeen GmbH is a cutting-edge marketing technology company based in Berlin, Germany. Since its founding in 1999, Keeen GmbH has been at the forefront of the industry, providing unparalleled branding, c... Read More
93 services offered by keeen GmbH - Marketing TechnologyReviews
7 reviews for keeen GmbH - Marketing TechnologyFREIZEITPARKS.DE, das „Kunden-Frontend“ des Verbands Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen e.V. (VDFU), repräsentiert die wichtigsten deutschen Freizeit- und Erlebnisparks, Indoor-Attraktionen sowie Zoos und verwandte Einrichtungen. keeen hat für den VDFU u.a. die Einführung und Verwendung eines gemeinsamen Content-Management-Systems (CMS) durchgeführt. Mit dem CMS wird zugleich effizient die Verbandspräsenz VDFU.ORG verwaltet. keeen ist immer gut erreichbar und entwickelt kundenorientierte Lösungen. Neben fachlich und technisch hervorragender Umsetzung, gibt es hilfreiche Empfehlun... Read More
Bestes Webdevelopment und nette Leute. Gute Teamplayer, überhaupt auch ein nettes bis geiles Team mit guten Skills im Bereich Web, Server, Apps. Fünf Sterne, immer wieder gerne! undefined
Erstellung einer neuen Shopseite, die unsere internen Prozesse und Abläufe verbessert, sowie die Installation diverser Plugins (SEO, Marketing, Versand, Statistiken, Affiliate). Zu sehen, wie aus einer komplexen Idee nach und nach ein Shop nach unseren Verstellungen wird.
Die Agentur verantwortet seit vielen Jahren unser Kundenmagazin. Am meisten Spaß macht uns, dass wir unser Magazin stetig weiterentwickeln und unsere Leser:innen dabei im Blick behalten.
fachlicher Support, technischer Input, Lösungskompetenz, neue Ideen und Konzepte, gemeinsame Weiterentwicklung der Online Maßnahmen von der Strategie bis zur finalen Umsetzung guter, fachlicher und persönlicher Austausch, innovative Ideen, lockere Atmosphäre der Zusammenarbeit, gutes Arbeitsumfeld
Neuaufbau unseres Webshops. Umstellung von Shopware 5 auf Shopware 6. Es wird immer auf Wünsche eingegangen. Kompetenter Ansprechpartner/Projektleiter!
Betreuung einer Kundenwebseite, Erstellung einer umfangreichen Portalanwendung, diverse backend services. Die Verlässlichkeit der Menschen mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten sowie die Termintreue.
10 projects performed by keeen GmbH - Marketing Technology - Verband deutscher Freizeitparks is a project dedicated to promoting and supporting German amusement parks. The website serves as a hub for visitors to discover and explore various leisure attractions across the country.

The Marketing project for Deutsche Telekom focuses on promoting their services and brand through various marketing channels, with a special emphasis on social media.

The eCommerce - DB Schenker europac project is an online platform that allows users to efficiently manage their shipping and logistics needs across Europe.

Our eCommerce - Dermaroller project focuses on providing customers with a convenient platform to purchase high-quality dermarollers for at-home skincare treatments. Dermarollers are a popular beauty tool used for microneedling, which helps improve skin texture and stimulate collagen production.

The Corporate Website for Volkswagen Motorsport is a hub for all things related to Volkswagen's motorsport division. From information on their latest racing cars to behind-the-scenes glimpses of the team, this website is designed to keep fans and enthusiasts engaged and informed.

The Corporate Website for Limagrain Deutschland serves as a central hub for information about the company, its products, and its services. It provides a platform for customers, partners, and stakeholders to learn more about Limagrain and its initiatives.

Content Marketing - Volkswagen Immobilien is a project aimed at promoting the real estate services offered by Volkswagen in the market. The project focuses on creating engaging and informative content to attract potential buyers and investors.

The Limagrain eCommerce project in Deutschland is aimed at providing a platform for customers to purchase agricultural products online. With a wide range of products available, including seeds and fertilizers, this eCommerce platform offers convenience and efficiency to farmers and agricultural businesses.

Limagrain Deutschland - der digitalisierte Feldtag is a project aimed at modernizing and revolutionizing the traditional field day experience through digitalization. The project focuses on incorporating technology and software development to enhance the agricultural field day event.

SCONTO Möbel-Discount is a corporate website for a furniture discount store. The website showcases the latest furniture collections, promotions, and store locations for customers to browse and shop online.

eCommerce - Limagrain Deutschland
by keeen GmbH - Marketing Technology
The Limagrain eCommerce project in Deutschland is aimed at providing a platform for customers to purchase agricultural products online. With a wide range of products available, including seeds and fertilizers, this eCommerce platform offers convenience and efficiency to farmers and agricultural businesses.
One of the main challenges faced by Limagrain Deutschland was reaching a wider customer base and providing a seamless online shopping experience. Additionally, ensuring secure payment transactions and timely delivery of products were also key challenges for the project.
To address these challenges, Limagrain Deutschland implemented a robust social media strategy to increase brand visibility and engage with customers. The eCommerce platform was also optimized for user experience, with easy navigation and secure payment gateways integrated. Additionally, partnerships with reliable logistics companies were established to ensure prompt delivery of products.
As a result of these initiatives, the Limagrain eCommerce project in Deutschland has seen a significant increase in online sales and customer satisfaction. The social media presence has helped in building a strong brand presence, leading to a higher level of customer trust and loyalty. Overall, the project has had a positive impact on the agricultural community in Deutschland.