Tapioka communication Overview
Tapioka is a cutting-edge communication company based in the heart of Paris, France. Established in 2012, Tapioka specializes in a wide range of services including branding, social media management, g... Read More
58 services offered by Tapioka communicationReviews
10 reviews for Tapioka communicationAppel d offres pour la réalisation d une campagne événementielle L écoute de l agence lors de la prise du brief
L'agence a été mobilisée pour effectuer une campagne de street marketing accompagnant la mise en vente de notre produit. Le suivi des étapes en temps et en heure a été respecté.
Organiser un séminaire externe pour 120 personnes durant 5 jours Son efficacité et sa réactivité dans les soucis rencontrés
L'agence Tapioka nous a accompagné dans l'inauguration d'un nouveau lieu. Leur disponibilité et professionnalisme.
L’objectif était l’organisation d’une journée d’études. Le professionnalisme et la disponibilité des employés ainsi que la qualité du travail fourni.
Un événement autours de l'agriculture et la gastronomie sur 3 jours à l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris Nous avons apprécié la réactivité, la créativité et les bonnes relations entretenues avec l'agence Tapioka
L'agence a organisé un demo day en distanciel et un évènement en présentiel La qualité des prestations et des partenaires mobilisés, la fiabilité
Réalisation de supports de communication, impressions, routages. Disponibilité, réactivité, recommandations...
Tapioka a organisé pour nous des inaugurations, des célébrations d'anniversaire de collaboration, une journée portes ouvertes et une soirée avec projection cinéma. Disponibilité, réactivité et créativité et maîtrise de budget
Opération COMMUNICATION et MARKETING, faire connaître une marque et que ce soit créatif Créativité/Rapidité d’exécution sur un délai court à la base
10 projects performed by Tapioka communication
OPERATION DE MKG SOLIDAIRE : DITES LEETCHIIISE ! is a marketing project aimed at promoting solidarity and support within the community. Through various marketing strategies, this project seeks to raise awareness and encourage individuals to come together and help those in need.

The project, "SOLUTION DE GAMIFICATION POUR SES RECRUTEMENTS," is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize the recruitment process through the use of gamification techniques. By incorporating gaming elements into the recruiting process, companies can attract top talent in a fun and engaging way.

UN KIT DE COM' INT ET EXT POUR BIEN DEMENAGER is a comprehensive project designed to help individuals and families successfully navigate the process of moving homes. From creating a cohesive graphic identity to providing essential communication tools, this project aims to make the moving experience as seamless as possible.

CAMPAGNE DIGITALE SOLIDAIRE POUR NOEL is a digital solidarity campaign aimed at spreading joy and support during the holiday season. Through various online initiatives, we seek to bring communities together and make a positive impact on those in need.

SEMINAIRE RESIDENTIEL AVEC LES EQUIPES MONDE is a residential seminar that brings together teams from around the world. It provides a unique opportunity for teams to connect, collaborate, and grow together in a serene and inspiring environment.

Our project, CONCEPTION ET PRODUCTION DE STAND B2B, focuses on creating and producing customized B2B stands for events. We aim to provide visually appealing and functional stands that effectively showcase our clients' brands and products.

SEMINAIRE D'UNE SEMAINE AU PAYS BASQUE is a week-long seminar held in the picturesque region of Basque Country. Participants have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Basque culture, cuisine, and landscapes while engaging in insightful discussions and workshops.

OPERATION NATIONALE DE STREET MARKETING is a project aimed at promoting products and services through innovative marketing strategies on the streets. The project focuses on creating buzz and engaging with potential customers in high traffic areas to increase brand awareness and drive sales.

WE LOVE GREEN 2023 is an eco-responsible event that aims to promote sustainability and raise awareness about environmental issues. The event focuses on showcasing green initiatives, sustainable practices, and eco-friendly products to inspire attendees to make a positive impact on the planet.

The JOURNEE PORTES OUVERTES D'UN PROGRAMME IMMOBILIER project is an open house event for a real estate development program. The goal of the event is to showcase the property to potential buyers and generate interest in the development.

by Tapioka communication
SEMINAIRE D'UNE SEMAINE AU PAYS BASQUE is a week-long seminar held in the picturesque region of Basque Country. Participants have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Basque culture, cuisine, and landscapes while engaging in insightful discussions and workshops.
Organizing a week-long seminar in a foreign country can present logistical challenges such as coordinating accommodations, transportation, and scheduling activities for a diverse group of participants.
Our team of experienced event planners work closely with local partners to ensure a seamless experience for all participants. From arranging comfortable accommodations to planning engaging workshops, we handle all the details so attendees can focus on learning and networking.
SEMINAIRE D'UNE SEMAINE AU PAYS BASQUE provides a unique opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain a deeper understanding of Basque culture. Participants leave the seminar feeling inspired and motivated to apply their learnings in their personal and professional lives.